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SevenStyles Collection - 1,6GB Photoshop Actions Free Download

Share 1.6 GB Photoshop Action of SevenStyles

Info: https://goo.gl/4NmB4n

SevenStyles, Our First Author to Reach 100,000 Unit Sales on GraphicRiver!

Envato Market is built on the success of our community. And today, we are celebrating the success story of an author who has recently achieved something that no one else has ever done before.

SevenStyles, an author exclusive to Envato Market, last week became the first to cross over the 100,000 unit salesmark on GraphicRiver! That is a colossalone hundred thousand individual item sales!

Residing in Melbourne, Australia, Brad, the creative and humble mastermind behind SevenStyles, first discovered GraphicRiver when he was looking for a platform where he could sell textures as a source of passive income.

That was back in 2010, and GraphicRiver, although still barely a year old, seemed like the ideal place to contribute design resources. The process of uploading and selling files was simple, and he took his first step to success by selling his first-ever item, a collection of Glossy 3D Arrows, within the first hour of it going live.

“100,000 sales proves that hard work and an excellent platform in GraphicRiver is all you need to reach your goals as an author“
– Brad/SevenStyles

Three months later, Brad had quit his retail job to put his entire focus on creating and exclusively selling items on GraphicRiver full-time. Over 300 items later, and 100,000 unit sales, he has not looked back once.

Brad’s success isn’t defined by a single flagship item either. Instead, he has built-up over the course of five years a solid library of high-quality products that consistently sell well.

Yes, the Dispersion Photoshop Action Pack is his top seller with almost 6,000 sales, closely followed by Sandstorm with almost 5,400 sales, but then there’s a flood of items that have all also performed and sold exceptionally well.

To illustrate this point, take a look at SevenStyles’ top 10 selling items on GraphicRiver, they’re ALL top sellers:

Position Item Sales

1. Dispersion Photoshop Action 5,900+
2. SandStorm Photoshop Action 5,300+
3. Elemental Photoshop Action 2,600+
4. ModernArt Photoshop Action 2,400+
5. Dispersion 2 Photoshop Action 2,300+
6. Shimmer Photoshop Action 2,300+
7. Fury Photoshop Action 2,200+
8. Watercolor & Pencil Photoshop Action 2,000
9. Canvas Photoshop Action 1,700+
10. Color Splash Photoshop Action 1,400

Consistency and hard work are clearly key to SevenStyles’ success.

As for the future, Brad will continue to create and exclusively sell high-quality items on GraphicRiver. His desire to study and learn from other graphic designers, coupled with a deep fascination for anything and everything that is imaginative and creative, will fuel his inspiration and drive that will allow him to further add to his impressive portfolio of items on GraphicRiver.

Congratulations SevenStyles!

To wrap things up, we’ll leave you with this final message from Brad:

“I always like to explore new and exciting opportunities on GraphicRiver, there really is no other platform like it online and I encourage all other authors to keep working hard, you just never know what opportunity




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